Practice Complimenting


Matthew 8:10

When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.”

Wingmen, Jesus gave people compliments. He was so secure in Who He was, He desired to affirm others. A centurion, a military leader over 100 soldiers, had requested that Jesus heal his servant, who was at his home paralyzed and suffering terribly. He told Jesus that He believed He could simply say the word, right where He was, and the man would be healed. He thought if Jesus came to his home, it would appear Jesus was taking orders from him. Jesus was greatly impressed with the Centurion’s faith (Matthew 8:10).At Jesus’ word, the servant was healed. Jesus’ words brought hope and encouragement to the soldier. He understood and accepted that Jesus was the Messiah and honored the tradition that if a Jew came into the home of a Gentile, He would become ceremonially unclean.Jesus embraced complimenting as a way to affirm another man. A compliment is a verbal affirmation of some good the other person has done, in this case, a display of true faith. Complimenting another person demonstrates one is secure in his own masculinity.

Tips on Complimenting Others:

  1. When you see or hear someone who has done a good job or displayed something honorable, use your words to let him know you are proud of him.
  2. Be looking for things in people’s lives for which you can complement them.
  3. Anxious hearts are very heavy, but a word of encouragement does wonders! (Proverbs 12:25 TLB).
  4. Make it a habit that you will compliment twice as much as you criticize.
  5. Remember the difference between a compliment and flattery. Flattery is saying something, which may not be true, in order to gain a person’s approval. A compliment is a genuine affirmation of something a person has done well.
  6. Be specific in your compliment.

Everybody likes a compliment. – Abraham Lincoln

Wingmen, I encourage you every day this week to find at least one person whom you will give a verbal affirmation. Begin with your wife and children. Practice complimenting!


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