Seeking Wisdom

It seems we as a society are constantly challenging ourselves to be smarter and more creative or inventive, seeking wisdom above all else, striving to be more successful each day.We know and admire people as far back as Einstein and Galileo or more recent like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or Elon Musk.But when seeking Wisdom, or “smarts”, our true source as men should be God's wisdom. And what is the key to having true Wisdom in this life?Answer: Knowing God more and more each day.What? How is that getting or gaining smarts or wisdom in this life?Well, the more we know and love God the more Wisdom we will attain.Regardless of how smart or famous or successful one can become by accomplishments, there is no comparison to the Wisdom we will gain by seeking and Knowing God!How do we gain this wisdom?

  1. Prayer.
  2. Faith.
  3. Reading and studying his ways.
  4. Practicing his love in all we say and do.
  5. Surrendering to his will for our life.
  6. Guarding our hearts against the world.
  7. Surrounding ourselves with other strong Godly Men.

Remember, nothing we do or desire can compare with God's wisdom.Seek him first and all these things will be given to us.


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