Asking God "Why?"


Matthew 27:46

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”).Have you ever heard someone say, “You should never ask God ‘Why?’” Granted, we should never question God’s goodness or motives. However, it is perfectly fine to ask God “Why?” In fact, Jesus Himself ask God the Father that very question.Jesus was on the cross. The sin of the world, every man and woman’s sin in the history of the world, was placed upon Him. Because God the Father cannot look upon sin, He turned His face away from His only Son. Jesus was in agony, in despair, in utter helplessness and hopelessness. At that moment Jesus asked, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?”There was the sinless Son of God asking God “Why?” This was the perfect Man asking this question of God. So, it is incorrect to suggest it’s wrong to ask God “Why?” Even Jesus asked God that question, and Jesus did no wrong. God is big enough to handle all our questions. The issue is, do you have enough faith to trust His answer, even if the answer is silence?Now, Jesus never questioned God’s motives or integrity, but He dared to ask Him “Why? Also, He knew He could talk with God the Father about absolutely anything at any time. Asking God questions is perfectly fine, questioning God is not. He is good all the time, no exceptions.Biblical masculinity dares to ask God the hard questions, dares to pour out our souls to Him, sharing our deepest doubts and despair knowing that He still loves us unconditionally. Your questions may not even be hard questions but perhaps simply asking to gain God’s wisdom. God will use your thoughtful questions to reveal Himself to you or be silent to bring glory to His name.Some lessons on asking God “Why?” or other questions:

    1. A real man can be honest with God, even about his doubts, discouragements, and despair.
    2. God is not offended by our questions to Him. He is a big God and can handle all of your questions. All you have to do is ask (James 4:3).
    3. God may answer some of your questions in one of three ways: Yes, No, or Wait.
    4. Men need to work on asking their wives questions such as, “What can I do to make you happy,” or “What can I do to help you?” Another is, “How can I pray for you today?” The more inquisitive you are, the more knowledge you will gain about your spouse.
    5. Jesus used questions to gain insight and to discern people’s motives. Jesus often used questions to disarm His critics. Men can use questions to do the same.

"Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face." –Ronald Reagan

So today, go ahead and ask God your questions, even the question of “Why?” Wait for His answer. He loves you so very much.


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