Are You Ready to Commit?

By this time in the new year most people typically begin to slack off on their New Years' resolutions. Here are some thoughts and a challenge for each of us to commit to doing.

Don’t slip back to our old ways of living and let’s strive to be holy in everything we do. The Bible tells us to be Holy in everything we do so what’s the big deal? Sounds like a great resolution to strive for this year right?Maybe you're thinking, "I can’t be Holy in all I do, people will think I am some kind of nutcase!" This is not what you think. It means that in all aspects of our life we do the right thing and we Honor God.


Let's look at some real-life examples of this.

    1. By how we treat people in our personal lives and in our business and our work environments.
    2. By how we act around others, how we talk and express ourselves, how we make decisions, and the decisions we make are a reflection of how we are living.
    3. By how we show self-control, and especially in the things we read and watch,
    4. Believe it or not even how we spend our money, who we help or don’t help.
    5. By how we take care of our families and always always always how we keep our word and commitments.

Literally, everything we do, if we do it honoring God striving to always say and do the right thing, is living Holy.Throwing in some praying, getting closer to God, and trying to get to church or temple for worship is also good.But doing all this does not mean we live a boring life.. on the contrary, we need to have fun and enjoy life while we are honoring him in all we do.Yes as Christians we can have a blast living a life of Holiness!! With God's help and if we commit we can achieve a life of Holiness.

Ready to commit?


Grab a Towel


Awake, Not Woke