Turn On The Lamp

One of the greatest parts of our incredible body that God has made is our eyes.

Just consider when you see a gorgeous sunset and you marvel at its beauty, then conversely you decide to take a picture of it.

Although the picture is nice, there is no comparison to the detail and magnificence your eyes saw experiencing that sunset directly, right?

It’s a stark difference between what God created in your eyes and what man tried to duplicate with a camera. More importantly, it's how we feel when we see something directly versus looking at a picture. There is just no explaining the diverse capability of our eyes. How they work is truly a miracle.

Did you know God also gave our eyes the ability to control our outcomes and how we choose to see things? Really, you say?

The Bible says this: "Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your whole body - when your eye is good your whole body is filled with light when your eye is bad your whole body is filled with darkness."


When we seek a life not filled with the things of God and live according to this world, our vision will be blurred spiritually and that means bad eyesight and not seeing his light.

With no light, we only see darkness, and most of the time we do not even realize it. Seek the things of God and by looking for his light we will begin to see the light and the light will touch our souls. It takes effort and deliberate living to find the light!

Guys, let’s turn on the lamp!!


Awake, Not Woke


Holy Boldness