The 10 Spiritual Laws


Psalm 1:1-6Blessed is the manwho walks not in the counsel of the wicked,nor stands in the way of sinners,nor sits in the seat of scoffers;but his delight is in the law of the Lord,and on his law he meditates day and night.He is like a treeplanted by streams of waterthat yields its fruit in its season,and its leaf does not wither.In all that he does, he prospers. (ESV)The wicked are not so,But they are like chaff which the wind drives away.Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.For the Lord knows the way of the righteous,But the way of the wicked will perish. (NASB)Wingmen, in the very first Psalm, God shows us the comparison of the godly and ungodly; the righteous and the wicked, and how true happiness comes only from following God’s way. A wise person plants his life in the center of God’s will. In Psalm 1, we discover 10 Spiritual Laws and how to implement them.I. You Can Be HappyThe Psalmist lets us know that happiness is within our grasp, but there are conditions that must be met first. “How blessed is…” The word “blessed” means happy. You can be happy now!II. Things Don’t Just Happen in the Life of a ChristianThe Psalmist compares someone who is in the will of God to a tree that has been deliberately planted.Psalm 1:3He is like a treeplanted by streams of waterthat yields its fruit in its season,and its leaf does not wither.In all that he does, he prospers. (ESV)This tree is not where it is by accident or by chance. It is there by design. Somebody planted it. You are not where you are by accident; it is by divine design. God has you in that place, that position, around those people for a purpose. There are divine appointments waiting on you as you walk in the will of God. In God’s dictionary, the word “Coincidence” is not found.III. Compromise Occurs One Small Step at a TimeThere is a subtle progression to compromise. It happens one small step at a time and pulls you away from God and His plan for your life. Backsliding is a gradual process. Notice the downward pull of sin, the unavoidable deterioration. Here are the steps to compromise: (1) You listen to unspiritual advice—“does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.” “Counsel” means advice. So compromise begins when you listen to unspiritual advice and opinions. (2) You associate with those who don’t know the Lord—“Nor stand in the path of sinners.” “Stand” implies association. You become more comfortable with those who do not want to include God. (3)  You adopt their attitudes—“Nor sit in the seat of scoffers.” “Sit” implies you are at home with. You begin to take on the attitude of those who are cynical about God. You wake up one day and realize you are away from God.IV. What You Delight in Directs YouPsalm 1:2but his delight is in the lawof the Lord,and on his law he meditates day and night. (ESV)“Delight” means to take pleasure in, to find joy in. The godly finds joy in God’s Word. Notice it is “in” the Law of God. You open up the Bible and saturate yourself in it. “Meditate” means to place your mind upon, to think about, read carefully, to study and pour over. You read Scripture, reflect upon it, pray it back to God, and listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit to speak to you.V. To Grow Spiritually You Need the Right Climate and DietThere are two things necessary for a tree to grow: the right climate and the right diet. Certain trees require a certain climate in order to grow and be healthy. Christians need certain spiritual climates in order to grow, such as an atmosphere of prayer, worship, the teaching of God’s Word, and faith.Psalm 1:3aHe is like a treeplanted by streams of water (ESV)Trees require water; therefore, most are planted close to the water. Otherwise, water must be brought to the tree. As a tree needs water, believers need a consistent diet of God’s Word, prayer, and worship to live, grow, and be healthy spiritually. Also, it is essential that unconfessed sin not block God’s flow of blessing.VI. Your Success As a Christian is Not Based Upon CircumstancesPsalm 1:3b…In all that he does, he prospers. (ESV)Christians bear fruit consistently. It is the visible evidence that God is at work in your life. A tree’s health is dependent upon a connection with the water source. Your faith, when connected to the Source of life, Jesus Christ, in daily fellowship, is the fruit of a successful life.VII. Without the Lord, No One Will Survive the Coming JudgmentPsalm 1:5aTherefore, the wicked will not stand in the judgment…“Wicked” refers to someone who has rejected the Lord and His plan. There is a coming day of judgment, and the Judge is the perfect Jesus Christ. The only way to escape the coming judgment is by receiving Jesus Christ personally, by faith, as your Savior and Lord.VIII. Those Without Christ Will Never See HeavenPsalm 1:5b…Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.The assembly of the righteous refers to heaven. For those without Christ, there is separation from Jesus Christ forever. There is also the separation from saved loved ones and friends.Matthew 7:2323 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’  (ESV)There will be no one in heaven who is not supposed to be there.IX. Life Without the Lord Is a Dead-End StreetPsalm 1:6b…but the way of the wicked will perish“Way” means a way of life. The wicked, those without the Lord in their lives, will perish. “Perish” means to destroy, to lose, emptiness. Life without the Lord is empty. You are void of spiritual life. You lose without the Lord in your life now and forever.X. You Can ChangeYou don’t have to stay the way you are. There is hope that you can change. If you are unhappy, you don’t have to stay unhappy. If you are out of God’s will, you don’t have to stay out of God’s will. If you are unsaved, you don’t have to stay unsaved. Jesus’ empty grave promises a transformation.

Today, embrace the 10 Spiritual Laws and experience God’s very best.


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