
Ephesians 5:16

16making the most of your time, because the days are evil.Wingmen, I want you to think about the power of one minute. Have you ever thought about what can be done in one minute? A life can be conceived. A new life can enter the world. A life can be taken. Your life can change in 60 seconds. You could hear the words: “I do.” “Divorce granted.” “It’s malignant.” “You’re fired.” “He’s dead.” They can all be said in one minute or less. An accident can take place in just a minute, or a car wreck on the job. Your reputation or someone else’s could be ruined in one minute. You can destroy what has taken years to build in one minute. A marriage could be destroyed in one minute of false pleasure with someone who is not your spouse. Or in one minute, you could speak an encouraging word that could be the difference in someone’s life.Each of us is given 1440 minutes each day. Paul tells us how we should spend those minutes. Ephesians 5:16. The phrase “Making the most of” means to buy up every opportunity. In other words, seize the moment; take advantage of the time. Every minute counts. You will never get the last minute back. Use your time wisely because the days are evil. Satan uses every minute in an attempt to destroy. Time equals life. “The days are evil.” But things can change. That one minute that Jesus came back to life changed everything.

Think for a moment about the One Minute Christian:

I. The One Minute PrayerYou could pray the Lord’s Prayer in minutes. You can touch God, Satan, who or what you are praying about, and yourself in just a minute. In 60 seconds you could praise the Lord, thank Him, confess a specific sin, ask for wisdom, express your fears, ask God to do the impossible, and ask God to show you His will. That is not to suggest that is all the time you need in prayer, but there are times when you are caught in a situation and have little time to pray. There are many times there is only a short time to call upon God for help. Even the prayer to receive Jesus Christ into your life as your Savior and Lord by faith can be prayed within one minute, yet that minute has eternal significance.II. The One Minute WitnessIn 60 seconds you can tell someone how to become a Christian. You can share your personal testimony, how you were saved, in just a minute. You could share the Roman Road in one minute. You can ask the questions, “Do you know that you know that you know if you were to die right now, you would go to heaven?” At the airport, in the airplane, in the check-out line, at the restaurant, with the person who works beside you, at the convenience store, waiting in the doctor’s office, between holes on the golf course, or a chance meeting with someone where you only have one minute. But you can say something that points the person to Jesus Christ. It only takes less than a minute to give someone a gospel tract or invite someone to church.III. The One Minute EncouragementI Thessalonians 5:1111Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.It only takes a minute or less to encourage someone. No matter where you are, the setting doesn’t matter; you can be the difference maker in someone’s life. People are going through difficult times; their lives are stressed; their schedules are beyond full; their month exceeds their money; and they are hurting and discouraged. You can encourage them through your words.Proverbs 12:2525 Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down,But a good word makes it glad.It could be words like, “I love you.” “You did a great job.” “I appreciate all your hard work.” “Thank you for being there for me.” “I’m praying for you.” or “You are a blessing from God.” You can encourage through humor or laughing.In one minute you can shake a hand, share an appropriate hug or touch, leave an encouraging message on someone’s answer machine, text someone, email, send a note or call. You can smile. You can wave at someone. It takes so little time to encourage someone.IV. The One Minute ConfessionYou may have carried around guilt because of something you’ve done wrong for years, months, or days; but it can be relieved in just a minute. I John 1:9 can be claimed in one minute. You can confess your sin to God and ask Him to forgive you.Here is a good rule: the moment you know you have done something wrong, within one minute, confess it. Ask the Holy Spirit to control your life. The misery can be gone. Being out of God’s will can be gone. Your joy can return. That closeness to God can come back. Your peace can be restored. That excitement about being a Christian can be revived. Defeat can become victory in one minute.V. The One Minute WorshipNo matter where you are or when it is, you can worship the Lord. You can express to Jesus your love for Him. You can say, “I praise You God,” “Thank You, Lord;” or “You are worthy to be praised.” You can sing a verse of a hymn, song, or chorus to Him. You can pause several minutes during the day and acknowledge God’s presence. Thank Him for what He has done for you, for how He has blessed you, for loving you, for providing for you, and for the things that He protected you from. You can quote Scripture to Him, such as:Psalm 100:1-5100 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!Serve the Lord with gladness!Come into his presence with singing!Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his;we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.Enter his gates with thanksgiving,and his courts with praise!Give thanks to him; bless his name!For the Lord is good;his steadfast love endures forever,and his faithfulness to all generations. (ESV)VI. The One Minute ScriptureIt is amazing how much you can read in one minute. It may be that you take one verse and meditate on it by reading the Scripture, reflecting upon the Scripture, praying the Scripture back to God, and then listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit to speak through that Scripture. You can read most Psalms within a minute as well as the Beatitudes and many chapters of the Bible. You should keep a copy of the Bible with you or on your Smart Phone where you can easily access it and take advantage of the opportunities. If you take about 12 of those minutes each day, you can read through a One-Year Bible in a year.VII. The One Minute ForgivenessWithin one minute you can forgive someone or ask someone to forgive you in just a minute. You can release that bitterness, resentment, anger, and un-forgiveness in 60 seconds. You can give forgiveness right this minute. It is a choice you make. You surrender your right to hurt back someone who hurt you. How long does it take to say: “I’m sorry, please forgive me.” “I forgive you.” “I blew it.” “I was wrong, will you forgive me?” You aren’t responsible for how someone else responds.Ephesians 4:3232 Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.VIII. The One Minute AssuranceThere are many people who aren’t sure they are going to heaven when they die. Feelings can confuse you. Maybe you can’t remember the exact moment, day, or date you were saved; and that is causing you doubt. All that can change in one minute. You can settle it, nail it down, and make sure your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Take one minute and ask, “Did I have a time I can remember when I repented of my sin and placed my faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord? Did I have the experience, the event of salvation?” Then take another minute and read…I John 5:1313 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.If you still don’t know that you know that you know if you died right now, you would go to heaven, then receive Him right now.I have only just a minute, just sixty seconds in it;Forced upon me—can’t refuse it;Didn’t seek it didn’t choose it, I must suffer if I lose it;Give account if I abuse it;Just a tiny minute, but eternity is in it.

Wingmen, seize your minutes today and make an eternally significant difference.


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The Psalm 119 Method for Bible Reading and Bible Study (Part I)