The Integrity Factor


1 O LORD, who shall sojourn in your tent?Who shall dwell on your holy hill?2 He who walks blamelessly and does what is rightand speaks truth in his heart;3 who does not slander with his tongueand does no evil to his neighbor,nor takes up a reproach against his friend; (ESV)4 In whose eyes a reprobate is despised,But who honors those who fear the LORD;He swears to his own hurt and does not change;5 He does not put out his money at interest,Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent.He who does these things will never be shaken. (NASB)

 A Wingman has integrity, he does the right thing intentionally regardless of the circumstances. Your integrity defines your testimony.

  • Think about a description of the word “Integrity”:
  • Morally, it is refusing to give in to temptation when no one else has to know or when everybody else seems to be doing it.
  • Ethically, it’s being honest when it would be to your advantage to stretch the truth or take a shortcut.
  • Verbally, it’s telling the truth consistently.
  • Relationally, it’s being faithful and keeping your promises.
  • Intellectually, it’s admitting when you’re wrong and not gloating when you are right.
  • Financially, it’s paying what you owe and paying on time; it’s not spending more than you make.
  • Daily it’s doing the right thing.

Psalm 15 hands us the keys to integrity. The word “Integrity” in Psalm 15:2 (NASB) means being whole, a consistent commitment to s set of values and convictions. The idea of whole means it is incorporated every day in every area of your life. You don’t compartmentalize your Christianity. Your faith is not a compartment of your life that you use on Sunday’s and when you need help from God; it infiltrates every other area of your life.In Psalm 15:1, their reference is to fellowship and intimacy with the Lord. “Tent” and “Holy Hill” are symbols of the presence of God. Psalm 15 describes the kind of person who lives in constant fellowship with God, walking in His will and living according to His Word. Integrity is practical Christianity. Here are the characteristics of someone who has integrity:I. Does What is Right“works righteousness” (Psalm 15:2)The person of integrity is committed to doing the right thing, not because someone is watching or because he or she is afraid they’ll be caught if not. Doing the right thing is a habit, a pattern of life. “Works” is present tense; you are continually doing what is right. It speaks of intentionality, you do right on purpose.II. Says What is True“and speaks truth in his heart” (Psalm 15:2)“In his heart” speaks of sincerity. There is no ulterior motive or hidden agenda. This person is sincere about wanting to do what is right. This is a radical commitment to the truth. That doesn’t mean being obnoxious, rude, or having a know-it-all mentality. This person is not intentionally offensive. It is speaking the truth in love and with grace.III. Doesn’t Say What Is Hurtful“He does not slander with his tongue” (Psalm 15:3)This addresses gossip, defaming another person’s character. He is talking negatively about someone else. Someone said, “If you can’t write it and sign it, don’t say it.” A person of integrity asks: “Is it true? Is it kind? Is it confidential? Is it necessary?” A person of integrity has too much good to say to stoop to the level of talking badly about another. That will destroy your testimony.IV. Refuses to Wrong People“nor does evil to his neighbor” (Psalm 15:3)You don’t consciously bring difficulty upon others. You aren’t intentionally difficult with others. “Evil” here means the breaking up of all that is good or desirable. It’s causing people trouble. Evil also refers to moral depravity. You strive not to yield to temptation or encourage it. You seek to never hurt or discourage people by what you do or say. “Neighbor” refers to everyone in the community, the people around you.V. Expresses Disapproval of the Ungodly“In whose eyes a reprobate is despised” (Psalm 15:4)You aren’t best friends with those who are ungodly—someone who is belligerent toward God and the things of God. They scorn the spiritual. You don’t respect those of whom God disapproves. You don’t lend credibility to them by your presence, your listening to them or your money. “Despised” means to consider as nothing. That doesn’t mean we don’t try to influence them and we pray for them, but we don’t give credence to their words or actions.VI. Stands Up for the Godly“But who honors those who fear the Lord” (Psalm 15:4)You applaud the actions, think highly of, and speak well of them with your praise and admiration. You let him know that you appreciate his convictions. You defend this person to those who are speaking negatively. The word fear speaks of reverencing the Lord. Keep company with people who reverence God. Seek those people out and invest your time.VII. Does What He Says Even if It Costs“He swears to his own hurt, and does not change.” (Psalm 15:4)A person of integrity will keep a commitment even if the circumstances change to make it more challenging, uncomfortable, or inconvenient. He doesn’t go back on his word. Your faithful to your word even if it turns out to be to your disadvantage.VIII. Ministers Without Conditions“He does not put out his money at interest” (Psalm 15:5)This is not referring to a business loan or a commercial venture, but that of helping someone during a time of distress. You refuse to take advantage of someone during a vulnerable time. You help him generously and unselfishly. However, it’s not bailing out someone who has mismanaged or wasted his money. The person of integrity must pray for great discernment.IX. Treats People Fairly“Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent” (Psalm 15:5)Webster says a bribe is: “Money or favor bestowed on or promised to a person in a position of trust to pervert his judgment or corrupt his conduct.” This is the height of unfairness. If you have ever been treated unfairly, you know how awful it is. Be fair! Be impartial! Treat everyone the same.Having integrity is one of the best ways to make people curious about Jesus Christ and Christianity. As a husband, father, and man, demonstrate integrity in everything you do.As a brother in the Wingman Nation, do the right thing today!


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