Through the years there have been some powerful and radical prayers that have touched and changed the world. By some measure, many of these prayers could have been labeled “dangerous,” yet they impacted a culture. Jesus prayed that kind of prayer. Here is the back story.Jesus led His three best friends, Peter, James, and John, to the Garden of Gethsemane. The Last Supper has been observed, the cross was only a few hours before Jesus. The place was where olives were pressed and crushed so the oil could be extracted. That is a fitting picture spiritually of the crushing, bruising battle that Jesus would fight within the Garden. Sin had its beginning in a garden and sin would begin to end in a garden, where Jesus chose to obey God, the Father. Three times Jesus told His buddies, His Wingmen, to watch and pray; to be diligent, be vigilant, be aware, be ready by staying awake and by crying out to God. Three times they failed while Jesus was in the most intense battle a human being has ever experienced. Jesus called it “This Cup,” which represents the judgment of God upon sin, all the sin of the world that would be placed upon Jesus Christ while on the cross. That would mean separation from God, the Father, a thought that distressed Jesus beyond description. No other Person has faced the depth of grief and agony that Jesus faced in this Gethsemane Moment.Yet, this is the prayer Jesus prayed, the most radical, most dangerous, most difficult prayer anyone could ever pray. What was the prayer?“Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from Me. Yet not what I will, but what You will.” (Mark 14:36)Are you willing to pray that prayer for the rest of 2020? Honestly, 2020 has been a difficult and challenging year as we have faced Covid 19, severe and catastrophic weather, and tumultuous presidential and other elections. I have even commented that I cannot wait until midnight on December 31! However, there are still eternally significant things God wants to do in you and through you in 2020. Praying this prayer means that you are fully surrendered to doing God’s will regardless of what it is, where it is or when it is and regardless of who it involves. You are making yourself totally available to God even if that means dying to your own dreams and plans.I dare you to pray this prayer and see what happens! I warn you, do not pray this prayer lightly or pray it thoughtlessly. Don’t pray it unless you truly mean it.Based on Jesus’ prayer, “Yet not what I will, but what You will,” I encourage you to pray the following:Our Heavenly Father, thank You for being my Father, a Father Who loves me unconditionally, Who only wants good for me, Who will never leave or forsake me, and will never ever stop loving me. I acknowledge and agree with Jesus that You and You alone can do anything. Nothing is impossible with You.  I come to You, praising You for being that kind of Father and I thank You for Your grace that offers me a second chance, and a third, and another chance. Thank You for Your grace. Today I surrender to Your will. I will do what You want me to do; I will go anywhere you want me to go; I will be available when you tell me to do it; and I will approach and speak to anyone You tell me to. Father, I do not know what this prayer will bring, but I know that whatever comes, it will be for Your glory and my good and growth. I trust You Lord, with whatever You allow into my life and whatever Your will brings. Father forgive me for the many times when I have made things all about me; my way, my will, my plans, my dreams. I surrender my will and cry out for Your will only in my life. Thank You in advance for what You are going to do over these next two months.  In Jesus Name, Amen.




An Attitude of Gratitude