The 2020 Election and What's Next

The election of 2020 has come and gone, well, maybe not. There are specific irregularities in multiple states that are creating more questions than answers at present. Our founders were brilliant, and I believe, God-led, as they developed our system of elections. As Christians, we must continue to pray for God’s will period. We must give the time necessary for the courts to sort out if there was any type of dishonesty or corruption in the voting system of specific states. Producing evidence and facts must take precedence over accusations and complaints. In time, this will get sorted out, in the meantime, we must pray and demand that getting to the truth is paramount.I do wish the presidential election had turned out differently, primarily based on my conviction concerning the issue of life. I believe that alone should pre-empt any party loyalty. As a believer, I pray that you did exercise your right and responsibility to vote. There is no excuse for a Christian who failed to vote. The stakes are too high to remain neutral.In the 2020 election, we saw the godless philosophy of socialism knocking loudly on the door of America through radical politicians, radical professors, and hate-America groups. There is no example where socialism has ever worked anywhere, except perhaps in the minds of some professors. As believers we must be aware, we must pray, and we must in Jesus name push back and speak up against any godless philosophy. It’s time for Christian men to get “woke” spiritually which comes through prayer, time in God’s Word, fasting, and the pursuit of holiness.We have a responsibility to lead our families to honor the government, pray for our elected leaders, yet challenge those things that are not consistent with a biblical worldview. I want to suggest 10 things to consider in the wake of the 2020 election:1. God is in ControlThe election did not catch Him by surprise. Trust God that He is at work and He has not abdicated His throne. Psalm 135:6- says “He does whatever He pleases in heaven and on earth…” Deuteronomy 4:39 says “Know therefore today, and take it to your heart, that the Lord, He is God in heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other.” 2. We Need Prayer More Than Ever BeforePray for our president-elect and those who were elected to other offices. Pray that there would be friendliness to the things of God and things that are important to the faith community. Pray that our religious liberties would be protected. The Covid 19 pandemic, unfortunately, has opened the door to reducing those liberties. There are examples of governors who threaten church leaders with fines and jail time if they fail to close the doors while overlooking and even encouraging rioters who do so without masks and fail to socially distance. It’s knee-time!3. No Politician has the Answer to Man’s Greatest NeedsJesus alone is the answer to man’s greatest need. A political party won’t fill the emptiness of man’s heart and soul, nor can it forgive sin, transform a marriage or heal a family. Christians must keep focused on presenting Jesus only as the “Way, the Truth, and the Life.”4. We must Move On and Do the Best We Can, By God’s Grace to Impact our World—the World we Live in Day In and Day OutOur mission comes down to two things—loving God and loving people. As believers, we have an eternally significant assignment from Jesus Himself to make disciples. We only do that as we are involved in the lives of people, demonstrating to them the love of God regardless of their politics. Republicans need Jesus! Democrats need Jesus! Independents need Jesus!5. Hang Onto Your Biblical Worldview—Seeing the Culture through the Lens of Scripture, not Seeing Scripture through the Lens of CultureGod’s Word is our final authority for what we believe and how we are to behave. Every Christian man must declare that he will choose to be biblically correct over being politically correct. Silence on the things that matter to God must never be an option for serious believers.6. Focus on Local Elections—City Commission, County Commission, School BoardChristians need to run for office on the local level. That’s where real change and impact can most often be experienced. Pray that believers would seriously consider running for those offices and support them when they do through prayer, finances, and volunteering to help their campaign. Running for office in this climate will require great sacrifice, but if Christians fail to get involved, we will not like the result.7. Know What’s Going on in the Political World, but Don’t Obsess Over ItLimit the amount of news intake and increase your knowledge of God’s Word. That is not to suggest you not knowing what is going on in the world. You should know, but don’t let that become your sole focus. God’s Word, not political news, transforms your life and gives you the wisdom to know what to do. Be like the men of Issachar, “…men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” I Chronicles 12:32. Recently I caught myself spending too much time checking the news and experiencing anger. The Lord reminded me that I need to glance at the news, but gaze on God’s Word.8. Keep Crusading on the Issue of LifeVote pro-life period! No compromise. None of this, “I’m personally opposed to abortion, but believe in a woman’s choice” dribble. That’s another way of saying, “I’m pro-abortion.” Always support the side of life from the womb to the tomb. Support pro-life causes, crisis pregnancy centers, adoption, and foster parenting. Ministries such as One More Child (Florida Baptist Children’s Homes) deserve our support.9. Be A Missionary to Where you Live, Work, Go to School, and Most Often Spend Your Time.Your mission field is where you live, where you work, where you go to school, where you most often spend your time. Always seek to make a God impression, giving people a scent of heaven in your words, actions, and attitudes.10. Regardless of the Outcome of the Election, Remember the Last Book of the Bible—the Book of Revelation—and be Encouraged that in the End, Jesus Wins!Elections come and go. Candidates come and go. Even presidents come and go. However, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s remains the Author, Sustainer, and Finisher of the world and our faith. When all is said and done, Jesus wins and Satan, evil, death, pain, and sorrow lose. Hallelujah, if you know Jesus, you are on the winning side.It’s easy to lose hope and get discouraged when looking around, but you and I must look to Jesus and know that kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but Jesus remains. We aren’t sure of what is next, but we are certain of Who is ultimately in control. In that, we have great hope and the most exciting future imaginable!


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