Dear Lord, I Pray for ___________________ (man’s name) that he will Daily Seek to Know and Do Your Will as Found in Your Word and Directed by Your Holy Spirit. I Pray that if there is anything in his life preventing him from Discovering Your will that You will reveal it to him and he will act upon it whether it be an area of sin, disobedience, neglect, or simply not knowing. I pray he will confess that immediately, repent of that sin, and seek Your forgiveness and cleansing. Please help him daily to seek the filling, the control of Your Holy Spirit.
Lord please use Your Word, Your Spirit, Circumstances, People, Open and Closed Doors, and a Peace or Lack of Peace to Reveal the Next Steps to him. Help him to Act on what He knows already is Your will so that You may reveal that which He does not yet know is Your will. May he have the faith to take the next step once he knows what it is. May his heart be, “Lord whatever, whenever, and wherever, I will go.”
Lord, I believe You want to reveal Your will even more than we want to know what it is. Please reveal that to ____________________.
In Jesus Name, Amen!