Lord Jesus, today as we are getting closer to Christmas, I choose to Stop this moment and Praise You for choosing to take on humanity, God in the flesh. You chose to humble Yourself and become man and dwell in our midst.
Thank You for all the Stops at Christmas. Thank You that You Stopped to Consider our sinful condition and our need for a Savior. Thank You that Mary stopped in her schedule and listened to Your voice and not the voice of fear. Thank You that Joseph stopped and listened to Your voice and not the voice of “what if?” Thank You that the wise men stopped what they were doing and followed You. Thank You for the shepherds who, although initially afraid, chose to worship You for what ****.
I stop to Thank You for not giving up on us.
Thank You for Joseph and Mary’s spirit of obedience. Thank You for choosing to be born of a virgin.
So Lord, this Christmas, help me to stop;
To Stop Worrying and Start Trusting You
To Stop Fretting and Start Relying on Your Promises
To Stop being Stressed and Start Experiencing Your Peace
To Stop Focusing on what I don’t Have and Start Praising You for what I DO have.
To Stop Talking so much and Start Listening More; and,
To Stop making things about me and Start making it all about YOU!
In the midst of all the noise, the advertisements, the decorations, the parties, the programs, and the celebrations; I choose to Stop Today and let the Season and Significance of Your Birth touch every part of me and transform my day into something that reminds people why we celebrate Christmas.
In Jesus Name, Amen.