The older I get the more I realize that life is short and that if we are ever going to make a difference for God, we need to be doing it now. In this season of celebrating the birth of Jesus, I want to take the opportunity to present Him from A to Z.
There has never been anyone like Jesus. He is in a category all by Himself. Historian Kenneth Scott Latourette said: “As the centuries pass, the evidence is accumulating that, measured by His effect on history, Jesus is the most influential life ever lived on this planet.” Wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger there was wrapped up everything God had to offer and everything God had to say. At the scene of Christ’s birth, it is apparent that there was enormous concern on heaven’s part that His name be evident. However, in the Christmas story, there is an obvious name that takes center stage, the name Jesus. “Jesus is God spelling Himself out in a language that men can understand” (S.D. Gordon).
At the moment of Jesus’ birth—an historically documented fact—time was divided, and the calendar was changed forever. Every time you write down the year, you are reminded that God did something. A name in Jesus’ time, made a statement about the person himself and the character of the person. In the Christmas story told in Matthew and Luke, you have five prominent names: Jesus, Immanuel, Savior, Christ, and Lord (Matthew 1:21-25; Luke 2:11). This name Jesus in the last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation, declares “I AM the Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8). Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet in which the New Testament was written, and Omega is the last letter. Jesus is saying, “I am the A and Z and everything in between.” Jesus is the Beginning and End (SS). He is moving the world toward a conclusion, toward His purpose. Never doubt that He is in control. He keeps the world going and will one day conclude the world as we know it. He not only directs the world, He directs your life and your steps. “Christ is the hinge of history” (Charles Malik). Charles Haddon Spurgeon said, “Christ is the great central fact in the world’s history. To Him everything looks forward or backward. All the lines of history converge upon Him.”
Consider with me, from Scripture, Jesus Christ from A to Z:
- Jesus is the Advocate
I John 2:1-2 - Jesus is the Bread of Life
John 6:48 - Jesus is the Christ
Luke 2:11 - Jesus is the Door
John 10:7, 9 - Jesus is Eternal Father
Isaiah 9:6 - Jesus is The Friend Who Sticks Closer Than a Brother
Proverbs 18:24 - Jesus is The Gift of God
John 4:10 - Jesus is The High Priest
Hebrews 3:11; 4:14 - Jesus is Immanuel
Matthew 1:23 - Jesus is Jesus
Matthew 1:21 - Jesus is King of Kings
Revelation 19:16 - Jesus is Lord
Revelation 2:11; Philippians 2:11 - Jesus is Mediator
I Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 12:24 - Jesus is the Nazarene
Matthew 2:23 - Jesus is The Only Begotten
John 1:14,18 - Jesus is The Prince of Peace
Isaiah 9:6 - Jesus is The Quickly Coming Savior
Revelation 3:11; 22:20 - Jesus is The Resurrection
John 11:25 - Jesus is The Savior
Luke 2:11 - Jesus is The Truth
John 14:6 - Jesus is The Unblemished Lamb
I Peter 1:19 - Jesus is The Very Christ
Acts 9:22 - Jesus is The Way
John 14 - Jesus is The eXact Representation of God
Hebrews 1:3 - Jesus is The Yes of God
II Corinthians 1:19-20 - Jesus is Zion’s Stone
Isaiah 28:16; Romans 9:33
When you say something is from A to Z, you are suggesting that it covers everything possible. No matter what you are dealing with in your life, Jesus through His perfect life, death on the cross, and resurrection, covers anything and everything you are facing.
Merry Christmas from Wingman Nation.